Hurricane Katrina is widely acknowledged to be the most expensive natural disaster ever to hit the U.S. Unlike the 9/11 tragedy, it leveled an entire city and many small towns and villages across the Gulf region. It will take billions to restore the disrupted lives of Katrina victimes.
One solution to the economic bind caused by the hurricane disasters and the long-term need for aide to victims is proposed at the website linked below. It recognizes the urgent needs of the victims of Katrina, especially those who had so little before Katrina hit and were left with nothing afterwards. It permits people to calculate roughly how much they received through the Bush tax cuts (based on their income level) and donate that amount to the victims of Katrina through one of several charities that are providing aide to Katrina victims and others who suffer from homelessness and hunger.
Those of us at the upper income levels can well afford to give back our tax cut--we didn't need it in the first place. This is one way to join together as a caring community to share America's wealth with those who do truly need it. It is also a symbolic way to express disagreement with the Bush fiscal policy that continues to provide tax cuts for the upper crust while funding the Bush invasion and occupation of Iraq, and now the reconstruction funds for the Gulf coast, with a combination of borrowed funds and cuts in essential benefits and services that will be especially burdensome for those with lower incomes.
Give Your Tax Cut To Those Who Need It Much More Than You Do
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