The New York Times ran a story this week about the Obama tax cuts--the point? while the Tea Partiers rage against the Obama administration because they want more tax cuts, they have missed the fact of substantial tax cuts under the Obama administration. See Michael Cooper, From Obama, the Tax Cut Nobody Heard of, NY Times, Oct. 18, 2010 (noting that a reporter's query at a Republican gathering ifound most commenters saying that their taxes had gone up under Obama and a NY Times, CBS News POll that showed that fewer than 1 in 10 Americans knew that Obama had cut taxes for most Americans, with a third mistakenly thinking their taxes had increased under Obama).
The reason for the failure to notice. It might be partly the vast expenditure of funds to support misleading propaganda that claims that the Obama administration's policies are terrible for ordinary Americans. But it is at least in part because of the design of the economic stimulus tax cuts--intended to let the tax relief arrive in paycheck after paycheck (about $65 a month for typical families) so that it would be spent and thus help the economy, rather than arriving in a lump sum that might more likely be used as savings/debt reduction that would have less of an effect on the economy, coupled with the fact that the recession was cutting into spending money as businesses cut back, construction workers worked less, state services declined and, in at least 30 states, state taxes rose (see CBPP, States Continue to Feel Recession's Impact, Oct. 7, 2010), and deductions for the ever-spiralling health insurance bills increased.
[Of course, this will all be much worse for many if the Tea Party candidates dominate in the elections. The ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, for example, "calls for a radical redistribution of resources from the broad majority of Americans to the nation's wealthiest individuals" including a plan that "provides the largest tax cuts in history for the wealthy,raises taxes on the middle class, ends guaranteed Medicare benefits, erodes health care coverage, partial privatizes Social Security, and makes deep cuts in guaranteed Social Security benefits." Ryan Plan Makes Deep Cuts in Social Security, CBPP, Oct. 20, 2010. See Ryan Roadmap (introduced as H.R. 4529).]
The Democrats didn't miss a beat in putting out a "fact sheet" to help people understand the range of tax cuts included in the stimulus bill and other legislation passed under Obama. See "Democrats Cut Taxes by $509 Billion, Putting Taxes at Lowest Level Since 1950", Democratic Policy Committee, Oct. 20, 2010. The release includes the following list of major tax cuts enacted in the 111th Congress.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-5; JCX-19-09)
$232,426 million |
$19,963 million |
$6,150 million |
$1,850 million |
$6,501 million |
$19,638 million |
$74 million |
$218 million |
$457 million |
$143 million |
$24,677 million |
TOTAL (over 2009-2019) |
$312,097 million |
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148; JCX-17-10 and CBO, Table 2)
$37,000 million |
$106,000 million |
$900 million |
$1,200 million |
$100 million |
TOTAL (over 2010-2019) |
$145,200 million |
Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-92; JCX-45-09)
$10,823 million |
$10,407 million |
$243 million |
TOTAL (over 2010-2019) |
$21,473 million |
Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (P.L. 111-147; JCX-6-10)
$7,616 million |
$5,422 million |
$35 million |
$4,561 million |
TOTAL (over 2010-2020) |
$17,634 million |
Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-240; JCX-48-10)
$518 million |
$107 million |
$977 million |
$70 million |
$2,177 million |
$5,454 million |
$230 million |
$176 million |
$1,919 million |
$410 million |
TOTAL (over 2011-2020) |
$12,038 million |
Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act (P.L. 111-198; JCX-34-10)
$140 million |
TOTAL (over 2010-2020) |
$140 million |
Charitable Donations for Haiti Earthquake Relief (P.L. 111-126; CBO)
$2 million |
TOTAL (over 2010-2020) |
$2 million |
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