The National Women's Law Center reports on the recent PEW survey that found that "Beyond the Beltway, a Majority of Republicans Support Tax Increases for Deficit Reduction",, June 10, 2011.
[A] new poll from the Pew Research Center shows (once again) that beyond the Beltway, a majority of Americans, including Republicans, support tax increases for deficit reduction. In fact, this latest poll shows that a larger majority of Republicans (62%) and Independents (71%) than Democrats (58%) support a limit on tax deductions for large corporations. A majority of Republicans (54%), Independents (71%), and Democrats (73%) support raising the Social Security contribution cap.
It really should come as no surprise. Most Americans that have at least some comprehension of the facts understand that we are generally a low-taxed nation, that the wealthy made out like bandits under the tax changes enacted under Bush, and that the large multinationals get off almost scott-free under the corporatist giveaways in the Bush tax cuts and the ones they are now lobbying for. And back when those Bush tax cuts were first proposed and discussed and enacted, a majority nationwide didn't think we needed new tax cuts.
Tax cuts are a major tool of the corporatist agenda that favors increasing inequality and decreasing public goods like public transportation, public health care, public parks and other amenities that make life better for ordinary Americans. What should be surprising is that the number that favors the right's tax-cutting regimen is ever larger than the tiny minority in the elite that primarily benefit from it.
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