We are a very rich nation. It is scandalous that we have an increase in children in poverty. It is lamentable that so many Americans have been convinced that America will not stand by its promises to them on Medicare and Social Security. It is unforgiveable that big multinational enterprises that enjoy very low taxes in the U.S. are sitting on cash treasuries and not hiring while demanding even further tax reductions in the form of a "repatriation holiday".
Lloyd Doggett, Democrat from Texas, is right on raising taxes on America's millionaires and billionaires (the so-called "Buffett Rule") rather than asking for reductions in our social safety nets like Medicare and Social Security. Here's a key statement distributed by his staff.
“Together, our nation can live within our means without crushing educational opportunities and undermining retirement and healthcare security. Instead, we should ask large corporations and wealthy individuals, who have benefited the most from America’s success, to contribute a little more and give up a few tax loopholes in order to expand opportunity to more Americans.”
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